We Find Perfect Match for You


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Applicant Information:

Welcome to the Muslim Marriage Services Inc. The Muslim Marriage Services Inc. is committed to work exclusively with Muslim potential brides and grooms and in some cases with their chosen guardians, who are looking for happy and healthy marriage relationship.

During the process of any marriage proposal, we give topmost priority for privacy, integrity and dignity of the people of both sides.

For the sake of future safety for both sides, we very carefully pre-screen, investigate and verify all required and received information for its proactivity, authenticity, correctness and accuracy.

How to Register and Get our Supports

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Input all required information to create your membership, you will be identified in system by your username. All communication will be made with us by e-mail and phone call, a valid e-mail address and phone number are required. We strictly maintain member's privacy; your contact information will not be displayed or shared to anyone.

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Provide detail information about yourself which best reflects your personality, you will also need to provide information about your expectation of marriage partner you are seeking. You will need to upload a passport size photo. We suggest the image file name same of your username, only jpg, gif and png file will be allowed to upload. If you need any help then do not hesitate to write us, our technical staff will contact with you as soon as possible.

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View your profile, Our expert will review the information you provided and find the best match for you. As soon as we complete the scrutiny we will provide you information about possible marriage partner best fit with you. We take great care to ensure that people on the site are seeking marriage, it is only for people who are looking to meet someone to ultimately marry.

We are Committed to find
the Best Life Partner for You

How to choose a spouse?

In our Muslim community, generally parents of spouse communicate, verify the status of the family of the other. This has the advantage of mature selection. In addition Islam emphasizes that would-be spouses should see each other before their marriage. Because in the Muslim marriage last words are the words of the would be spouses. If seniors of both families decide and any of the proposed groom and bride oppose the proposal, marriage cannot take place. So guardians and seniors of both families will take appropriate measure for a meeting or more of them to talk, understand each other and express their minds to each other for an informed decision by both of them.

How can we help you?

We help you to contact and make contact with the parents of the eligible counterparts for effective discussion, negotiation and settlement of marriage proposals. We help you providing information, motivational orientation required for proposed spouses, their parents and legal guardians and relations. We help you with the services of a highly experienced and expert group of counselors in making unions and resolving any issue that threatens the unions. We are ready to help all the ethnic Muslim communities of Canada.

During the process of any marriage proposal, we give topmost priority for privacy, integrity and dignity of the people of both sides.

For the sake of future safety for both sides, we very carefully pre-screen, investigate and verify all required and received information for its proactivity, authenticity, correctness and accuracy.

Verily in that (marriage) are signs (of Allah swt) for those who reflect (30:21)

Marriage is my Sunnah, who abstains from marriage is not among us -Bukhari

View of Islam on marriage

Marriage is a beautiful blessing. and to want to be married is also a beautiful thing, a blessing in essence!

In Islam, marriage is not a burden, a problem, or a nuisance, as it is sometimes seen in our practical life. It's not just something that needs to be done to get rid of the girl from parents' family so that she's safe with a man fixed by the parents. Nor it is something that is done to imprison a woman and a joke with young people's emotions. It's in reality the expression of Allah's love for His creation giving humans His countless blessings.

Allah swt says in the Qur'an

And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect(Qur'an 30:21).

That is, "The Creator's perfect wisdom is such that He has not created man in one sex only but in two sexes, which are identical in humanity, which have the same basic formula of their figure and form, but the two have been created with different physical structures, different mental and psychological qualities, and different emotions and desires. And then there has been created such a wonderful harmony between the two that each is a perfect counterpart of the other. The physical and psychological demands of the one match squarely with the physical and psychological demands of the other. Moreover, the Wise Creator is continuously creating the members of the two sexes in such a proportion since the dawn of the creation that in no nation and in no region has it ever happened that only boys or only girls may have been born. This is one thing in which human intelligence has absolutely no part to play.

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